A common strategy used by apartment management agents is to form an alliance with 1 or 2 residents of the block, with the intention of communicating solely with these individuals, and disregarding complaints, requests and feedback from all other residents. Their other motive is to use these residents as go-betweens and to subtly delegate unpaid work to them. However, such a strategy can create a divide between residents and once this happens the official complaints process is jeopardised.
If everything is handled by the management company alone – and they fail to deliver – then the official complaint channels can be used effectively and collectively by all residents. With a few select residents working closely with the management company and other residents’ complaining against them, this creates a conflict of interest. All residents must group together.
The complaint process has 5 steps:
1. Management Agent > 2. ARMA > 3. Property Ombudsman > 4. (CAB for further help) > 5. Local MP
How to Complain:
Complaints are best in writing, on a letter-headed document. Be polite, keep it professional and clearly detail all events and timelines. Articulately explain your complaint and desired outcome and resolution by date. Keep a copy of all complaints and reference them with each subsequent complaint body.
Official Management Agency Complaints Process:
- You must first complain in writing directly with your management agent. If they fail to address your complaint, see 2.
- If your agent is a member of ARMA (Association of Residential Management Agents), put your complaint in writing or submit via the online complaints form http://arma.org.uk/
regulation/complaints- procedure - If ARMA don’t help, send your complaint to the Property Ombudsman: http://www.
ombudsman-services.org/ property.html - Next speak with the CAB (Citizens Advice Bureaux) for further advice.
- If you still have no recourse, contact your local MP’s office.